Friday, March 4, 2011

Pause for the Cause

15 minutes that can change our world

Are you fed up with all the crap going on in Washington, D.C. and your own State legislature? Tired of politicians who have sold their votes and our country to the highest bidder?  See no hope for the average person in the “new economy”?  It’s time to return to “of the people, by the people, for the people”.

I believe there might be a way to get our elected officials to listen to us. To make legislators realize we understand what they’re doing, we don’t like it, and we are not going to let them get away with it!

I suggest a simultaneous, nationwide, 15-minute work stoppage/strike.  Ideally, every single person would just stop working and walk out of the building. If you aren’t working at that time, walk out of your house, walk out of the mall, or park your car/truck and join the protest.  Signs would be a bonus.

Stop ALL business in this country, even for a few minutes, and I believe our elected officials will get the message. There will be a HUGE impact! The people make this country run, NOT the corporations stealing all our tax dollars.

It’s a simple concept, easy for everyone to participate. The hardest thing is getting the word out to every person in this country.

To do:
set a date (how about April 15th?)
set a time (during working hours, coordinate time zones so impacts business hrs)
get the word out (If we get enough people interested, I hope/think it will generate its own publicity.)

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