Sunday, November 9, 2008

Demise of the Republican Party

The current consensus is that the Republican party is falling apart. Yea!!! Maybe that's because rational people no longer identify themselves as Republican. The Republicans are frantically looking for some new "talking point" to suck people in. What a balancing act! They have to appeal to the crazies they already have and find new people with very narrow minds to believe in their "righteousness".

All that's left in the shreds of the GOP are 1) the top 1%, driven by greed and power; 2) the "Christian" fundamentalists and their religious zeal; and 3) the last remaining racists. They are going to have to come up with something very controversial and divisive to add to their fold and yet manage to retain those they have.

A Republican analyst was saying Mitt Romney is probably the current front runner to be the next GOP candidate, but he would have to learn to be a better actor. Then he immediately threw up Ronald Reagan as the most popular President. Just proves my theory that Republican Presidents are not "the deciders", but are mere puppets of the RNC and the super wealthy, who are really controlling our country and economy. Palin is only a passing consideration, fair as an actor, pretty enough to get the male vote, and willing to do anything to grab power. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to have the mental capacity to deal with intelligent people.

My hope is that the majority of people will look at what drives the Republican party and decide they don't want to be associated with the amoral, narrow minded, bigots that comprise the GOP.

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