You bet the Economy is the main issue, think about it...
- Equal pay for equal work is an economic issue
- Outsourcing American jobs is an economic issue
- Family planning is an economic issue
- The Human Life Amendment is an economic issue
- Quality public education is an economic issue
- Eliminating the Department of Education is an economic issue
- Eliminating ObamaCare is an economic issue
- Voucherizing Medicare is an economic issue
- Privatizing Social Security is an economic issue
- Eliminating the minimum wage is an economic issue
- Repealing Wall Street reform is an economic issue
- The corrupt financial system is an economic issue
- The 1% taking all the money and leaving all the debt for the 99% is an economic issue
- Corporate welfare is an economic issue
- Ryan’s Austerity Budget is an economic issue
- Eliminating the EPA is an economic issue
- Eliminating the FDA is an economic issue
- Eliminating the Department of Energy is an economic issue
- Home foreclosures are an economic issue
- Citizens United is an economic issue
- Endless wars are an economic issue
- The right to Vote is an economic issue
- Romney lying to the American people is an economic issue!
You may not notice it immediately, but every one of these issues affects
each of us every single day. All of these and more are all we stand to lose if
Romney is elected, essentially our country as most of us have known it all our
Romney is the embodiment of the people and policies
that lead this country into this terrible condition, how can everyone not understand that? Obama needs a new way to drive this point home!! I’m outraged at the way
Romney and the GOP blame the President for all of their failures! And get away with it!!! How can so many people just forgive and forget the recent devastation of our country? And they want more?
I have to say, I was much more impressed with Plouffe and
Axelrod in 2008. President Obama’s campaign just seems to lack a certain central
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