Saturday, September 11, 2010

GOP Campaign 2010 – Hate!

What is this, the GOP year of Hate? I guess their plan to put fear into the heart of every person in America is actually working. Of course, at the top of their Hate List is President Obama. Their Hate List continues with Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, “the gays”, the poor, the unemployed, the homeless, the old, the sick, the bleeding-heart liberals, progressives, education (at least for poor people), the minimum wage, any regulation that prevents them making a dime (think EPA, FDA, OSHA, SEC, MMMS, etc.), unions, and, let us not forget, the Veterans. (Even though the GOP loves a good war, they don’t want to be bothered with any messy collateral damage.)  Did I miss any?

Turns out I did miss a few.  They also hate environmentalists, the ACLU, community organizers, Democrats, and apparently all Government (except for their own, of course).

Come on! The GOP claims Jesus belongs to their party!  Their form of Christianity is very strange to me. It’s not like anything I've ever been taught. Whatever happened to the Golden Rule? Doesn’t it seem like they worship the Golden Idol just a little too much? Why is it the “right-to-lifers” savor a good war and embrace the death penalty?

Beck better cool it with the God stuff. The Fundamentalists are already pushing back because they don’t believe the LDS are true Christians, the Mormons just might be next on the hate list, which would bode ill for Romney and his bid for 2012.  The Fundamentalists might put up with a Mormon, but would never follow one.

Does it seem to you that the women in the GOP, while suddenly plentiful, are more “front men” [sic] rather than solid legislators with strong backgrounds in public service. But they do make good-looking puppets for the men who actually control the Party. Fundamentalists want their women back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant and ignorant. When you think about it, turning the Country over to Fundamentalist Christians is not much different from turning Afghanistan over to the Taliban.  It's obvious why it is important to keep a separation of Church and State.

When did “tolerance” become a bad word? Or “social justice” become a social disease? When did a trust fund you paid into all your working life become an “entitlement” which you are stealing from your country? Progress used to be the American ideal – now a “Progressive” is a demon from Hell spreading plague and despair. Apparently “Liberal” equates to “Commie” just waiting to suck all the money from the wealthy.

Well, the GOP plan of fear is working on me.  I'm terrified the Republicans will regain control. You think the Recession is bad now?  Count on sliding into the Second Great Depression, and there will be no social programs to help you.  You don't deserve any help. You're stupid and lazy or you would compete with the illegal aliens for those plum jobs.  If you were smart, you'd be rich!

You might like to check out this article on Right Wing Radicals:

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