Monday, September 29, 2008

Bailout Failed!!!

Wow! Who would have thought the Republicans would vote this down? What bothers me is that they didn't do it for the "people", they did it because they didn't get even more deregulation of Wall Street, and get rid of ALL capital gains taxes on the obscene profits they will be making. What a deal!

I'm just glad it failed. Maybe Obama, or some actual independent economists could put forth a more reasonable plan to ease the credit crunch. Surely Wall Street isn't the only way. It's time for our representatives to come up with a real solution, not new ways for Wall Street to rip off Main Street.

My fear now is that they will add what the Republicans want to get it passed. Let's hope calmer heads prevail, and somehow they come up with an entirely new plan. There is no way to make the Paulsen plan work no matter how much money they give away!

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